
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Ransomware Epidemic: Understanding the Threat Landscape

  Ransomware Ransomware  is a malicious program that infects a computer and then locks or  encrypts  some parts, preventing users from accessing their computer or data. Commonly, after the ransomware is loaded on the user's computer, a message is displayed demanding payment to unlock it. Ransomware varies in its degree of difficulty to remove and how many areas are locked, ranging from a few files to the entire  hard drive . Most Famous Ransomware Attacks By Type :- Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to restrict access to a computer system until a payment is made. The key here is… it’s software. While cybercriminals often use a similar foundation to their software code, the most evolved ransomware is a custom form of malware. Here are some of the top ransomware types and why they were — or still are — so dangerous: WannaCry Flashback to 2017. A form of ransomware called  WannaCry  spread like wildfire through vulnerable SMB ports and  phishing attacks , infecting 7